Around this time of year many parents are urging their children to make their Christmas lists; I know mine are. However, there are a few universal gifts that are just bad ideas from the start. Of course, the trump card is if someone specifically asks for these, but I don’t think they will.
The first and obvious, a gym membership. Why on this green earth you would tell someone you think they’re fat for Christmas I don’t know, but it happens more often than you’d think. On, exercise equipment is listed as “#1 for worst Christmas gifts” to receive.
Another awful gift is cleaning supplies. Nothing says I love you like “clean the house better honey.” If you haven’t seen hannal.ballerinafarm on TikTok, go watch her egg apron video and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. To give someone something as inconsiderate as cleaning supplies on Christmas is just rude. Do better.
Makeup and skincare can be a double-edged sword. Many people don’t realize how personal these types of products can be. If you really know someone or you know for sure that they’ll use it, go ahead, but otherwise, I would back away from this stuff. If you really have your heart set on it, try some face masks as stocking stuffers.
Lastly, don’t get someone a pet for Christmas. Think of all the items they now have to buy to take care of said animal. Unless you’re already living together, it’s better to ignore all that drama and stick with some new shoes.
Overall, the best Christmas gifts spring from care and thought, Sophomore Daniel Jarrett received “a package of ramen” for Christmas; you can put in more thought than one packet of ramen. It’s important to think about the underlying implications and long-term consequences when buying Christmas gifts. Now get out there and spend countless dollars; Merry Christmas!