“Little Women” is over a century old and still influential as ever. The story has been adapted into multiple movies over the years, and each is better than the last. The story of the March sisters...
Barbra Robinson’s 1972 book “The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever” has recently been adapted for the screen by director Dallas Jenkins. Jenkins, the creator of “The Chosen,” said, “I was born...
Former Disney star Sabrina Carpenter who starred in projects such as “Girl Meets World” and “Tall Girl” recently released her sixth studio album at age twenty-five. The album name: “Short n’...
Teens say their vote won’t matter, so why vote? But votes matter to those who can’t. Is it truly they don’t think their vote matters, or do they not have the education to make a decision they are...
Did you figure out what to wear this Halloween? According to students, plague doctors, steam punks, movie killers and Victoria Secret Angels are all the rage this season.
Every year the classic costumes...
“It Ends with Us” is a movie based on a book by Colleen Hover that premiered August 9 and has since been criticized by viewers who say it did not accurately represent the novel. “The book had a very...