Barbra Robinson’s 1972 book “The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever” has recently been adapted for the screen by director Dallas Jenkins. Jenkins, the creator of “The Chosen,” said, “I was born to make this movie,”
“Yeah, and Dallas loves the story. He’s been reading it his entire life. He reads it to his kids,” co-star Pete Holmes said.
Narrated by Lauren Graham’s iconic voice, viewers learn about “the worst kids in the history of the world,” called the Herdmans and how they got all the lead roles in the Emmanual Annual Christmas pageant. Beth (Molly Belle Wright) is the young version of the narrator who experiences the Christmas Pageant firsthand.
Viewers are introduced to the Herdmans by Beth saying, “They lied, they stole, they smoked cigars. They hit little kids, even if the kids were bigger than they were. They took the Lord’s name in vain. They dissed teachers. They even set fire to the tool shed,” making it obvious that these children were rebellious. As the Christmas Pageant approaches, the main director for the pageant injures herself and is unable it directs the play, causing Beth’s mom, Grace (Judy Greer) to volunteer to take her place and promise to make it the best Christmas pageant ever. When the day comes to pick the cast for the pageant, The Herdmans show up in search of food, but instead, they volunteer to play the lead roles for the Christmas pageant. Word spreads fast that the Herdmans are playing leads, and along with that comes doubt from everyone that Grace can pull it off.
This movie is set in a flashback, reflecting on the memorable Christmas that Beth experienced. Viewers see a lot of stereotypical themes that add a lot of humor to the story such as judgy community members and rebellious children who do whatever they want. The settings feel open and immerse the audience into the story. The actors and actresses have expressions that are easy to read, making this movie great for children. The story had a deeper ending due to having the troublemaking Hermans rather than the well-behaved children that we see attend church. They make the Christmas pageant less of a routine and more meaningful to everyone in the congregation.
There was a reason that “The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever” deserved a beautiful screen adaptation showing the true meaning of the Christmas story and Christmas as a whole.