“Little Women” is over a century old and still influential as ever. The story has been adapted into multiple movies over the years, and each is better than the last. The story of the March sisters...
Does phone usage at the school benefit the students? This topic has been discussed in schools all over the country.
More than 75 percent of public schools in the U.S. have banned the usage of phones....
Around this time of year many parents are urging their children to make their Christmas lists; I know mine are. However, there are a few universal gifts that are just bad ideas from the start. Of course,...
Have you ever fallen on the stairs while trying to get to class? Or got hot flashes in the school air? If you go to Ottawa Township High School, the answer is probably yes.
Our school is nicely built:...
Pause that song to look at this. You're never going to believe how listening to music while learning affects you positively.
You may realize that many teachers don’t allow you to have your...
“It Ends with Us” is a movie based on a book by Colleen Hover that premiered August 9 and has since been criticized by viewers who say it did not accurately represent the novel. “The book had a very...
Many students at Ottawa Township High School don’t even know they have a school newspaper let alone read it which is truly a shame Students would reap many benefits from exposure to journalism run by fellow students including improved reading skills, relationships with other students, and school...