While teens can expose themselves to whatever kind of literature they like, when it comes to “Booktok” books, there are more negatives than positives and it is encouraged to stay away from these kinds of books. However, there are many books that have actual positive effects.
Finding certain genres to read is a good start. The first genre, and the most obvious choice for teenagers to start reading is self-help/autobiographies. Being a teenager is difficult, and reading books on how to help yourself and reading about other people’s experiences is incredibly helpful. I personally would recommend “Love in the Big City” by Sang Young Park. An incredibly sad read but one that teaches toxic love and struggling in adulthood. It is also slightly based on the author’s life.
Another category is classics. Not only do they give the reader information about the past, but they give a teenager a bigger love and understanding of books and the information provided in the book. A great book to read under this genre is “1984” by George Orwell, recommended by sophomore Hallee Loza. “I think it shows how the government overpowers, and no one thinks about it,” says Hallee Loza. Another book I would recommend by George Orwell is “Animal Farm.” It is a good commentary on the rich and the poor.
Lastly, a more popular genre is fantasy. This one is simple; they provide entertainment to the readers and present an escape for the reader. Chemistry teacher Jessica Overocker recommends “The Mist of Avalon” by Marion Zimmer Bradly. “One of the best books ever and centers the women of the Arthurian legends,” she says. I, however, would recommend “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins. A more political read but also really entertaining with great movies.
Moral of the story, these are the kinds of books that should be spread onto shelves; not those mediocre Booktok books with more porn that actual plot.