Colorful lights and Jack Frost nipping at your nose? Spectators could not have asked for more at the annual Ottawa Christmas parade, which always falls on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
“Even though it was freezing cold, I thought the parade was amazing. The special events committee of Ottawa has put on another dazzling spectacle of holiday cheer for all to enjoy,” senior Connor Fulkerson said.
The floats this year sparked Christmas cheer. Of course, many familiar Christmas faces appeared: Buddy the Elf, Frosty the Snowman, the Grinch and the tree lighter, Santa Claus and his lovely wife. The town favorite, the light-up snail, also spun around. Junior Teagan Cole said, “It was chilly but fun! Everyone looked great, and there was a rotating snail. It almost hit us, but it was still amazing!”
Although this year was especially lovely, it is wonderful that Ottawa continues this excellent tradition every year. Sophomore Eugenia Craig said, “I love going to the parades every year since it really shows that Ottawa and the surrounding towns are a community. It has to be one of the most iconic things about Ottawa.”