Eveyln Grady rocks this crocheted gift. As a first day of senior year gift, Nydrea Patterson crocheted a baby pink shirt for Eveyln.
Have you ever experienced the joy of making someone a gift or receiving a gift? Making do-it-yourself gifts can be a deeper experience than purchasing one.
Everyone has their own ways of being creative. Turning that creativity into a gift may be hard depending on what you are good at, but it is possible. From finger painting to decorating someone’s home for them, these are gifts that you are producing.
DIY gifts can take a range of time depending on what you are making. Yet the joy you feel, and the joy you make others feel, is always worth it. Junior Brielle Grady said, “Making things for others always feels amazing in the end.”
I personally really enjoy making gifts for people. I crochet a lot of things for myself and others. In the moment or when I am nearly finished with a project, I just want to be done. What motivates me to complete projects is how much I know my family and friends will appreciate the gesture.
I asked my mom how it made her feel when I made gifts for her, and I’d say her response shows how grateful she is for them. “I love it when my daughter Nydrea makes me gifts. She crocheted me a bouquet of tulips and a bag and she painted a beautiful canvas. When she uses her creativity and makes me something, I always feel loved,” Beulah Leach said.
Receiving gifts from family and friends makes me appreciate them more because I know that they took time out of their day and made me something. It always makes me feel special. I believe others feel the same way. Senior Ava Wagner said, “I think the fact that the gift is homemade makes it much more meaningful, and I love receiving them.” If you have never made a gift for someone, you should try it and see the difference that it makes when your loved one knows that the gift they are receiving was made specifically for them.
If you crochet, some easy gift ideas are tulips, a bag, a hat, or a book cover. Some other DIY gift ideas are making cards, paintings, photo books or bath bombs. You can find more ideas and tutorials on YouTube, Google or Safari.