Preach. English teacher and DoChange advisor Julie Brown leads a weekly mentor meeting on how to improve communication with first year students.
The DoChange program keeps things fresh by including a new face in the team.
DoChange mentor program started the year with new leader, English teacher Julie Brown, to fill an empty position.
According to the program’s other sponsor, social studies teacher Andrew Amm, Brown had many tasks to fill in the absence of the past sponsor. Amm says that Brown helped him feel less stagnant and reinvigorated him to ignite innovative ideas. Amm claims Brown was up to the task, adding that “She’s an initiator. She wants to see kids excel. She understands the assignment.”
Brown’s past students also agree. Sophomore Dreager Duncan, who was in Brown’s pep class last year, said, “She made sure we got our work done. So we did what we had to.”
Brown herself is excited to be a part of the program this year. She was inspired by her own mentor’s ability to connect with first-year students and decided she wanted to do the same. Brown said her biggest challenge after joining was staying connected with all the mentors day to day. Her happiest moment in the program was first-year students’ orientation, seeing all the freshmen walk in and feeling the “exciting energetic atmosphere.”