Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Past editions of the OTHS newspaper go back as far as 1941. The modern Pirate Press has operated at OTHS since 2004.
Many students at Ottawa Township High School don’t even know they have a school newspaper let alone read it which is truly a shame Students would reap many benefits from exposure to journalism run by fellow students including improved reading skills, relationships with other students, and school spirit. In an age where everyone can be a reporter via social media, it is increasingly important that young people be able to distinguish between formal journalism and fervent social media posts. Newspapers also serve as platforms for the exchange of ideas and the formation of freethinkers as they are exposed to different events and opinions, they would not have any contact with without that newspaper.
The Pirate Press brings people together through cultivation and inner school relationships. Former editor of the Pirate Press, Lexi Landis said, “School newspapers, especially high school newspapers, serve an incredibly important role in high school communications. While information typically comes from administration or faculty, school newspapers provide a really important outlet to get actual students’ views on a lot of different topics. Let’s face it – students make up the vast majority of the high school population, and their voices deserve to be heard as well. Having a school paper positively impacts student relations by bringing them together and allowing them a voice.”
The Pirate Press has something for everyone in the school and will increase school pride on a larger scale than just recognition of sporting events that often are seen as the main form of school spirit. There are a multitude of extraordinary people and events at OTHS and by reading the Pirate Press students come to truly understand just how amazing OTHS students and staff are.