I’d like to say I know how to do this. Yes, I have experience. I’ve had a couple of relationships. The thing is, I don’t know how I did it. Luckily for you, readers, I can look back and try to figure it out. There are 5 things you need to do.
Number 1: Be yourself… usually. If a girl likes you, it’s hopefully because of your personality. They like you for you. But, sometimes, “you” isn’t the best. If you’re like me, you can kind of be annoying. So, what do you do? Put on a persona. Pretend you’re an actor and be the kind of person you think that girl will like. Except for when you take it too far, and the persona you put on is too different from your normal personality. You don’t know how to keep up the charade. You like The Avengers, but Jake, your alter ego, hates that movie. Suddenly, you’re having an identity crisis, and you don’t know whether you’re you or Jake. The trick is, make your persona just a little different from you. Mine was a little nicer. And had hair. And contacts. And kids. And… maybe I took Jake a little too far.
Number 2: Be funny… usually. If a girl thinks you’re funny, you did a great job. It’s hard to make a girl laugh. That’s why I devised a plan to counteract their lack of humor. If you can’t get them to laugh, you make them. I tickle them, but women don’t like being
tickled. I’ve gotten yelled at quite a few times. Some girls don’t yell, they just hit. Hard. Really hard. Whoever said girls can’t punch was wrong. The lesson to take away from this is, be funny, and don’t try to tickle girls.
Number 3: Be chivalrous… usually. Men are always taught to pay for the girl. Chivalry and all that. Open the door, hold the door, close the door, pull out her chair, pay for her, compliment her, walk her home, etc. But, some girls want to pay for themselves, and others want you to pay. Some want you to be decisive, and others say that making a decision is misogyny. Assuming is a mistake, and asking is bigger one. “One thing about guys that I don’t like is when they make me choose everything or is constantly indecisive,” senior Chyenne Jeffries said. Do you hold the door or does she? Do you pay for her, or does she split the bill? What are we supposed to do? Here’s the answer. When you and she get the bill, run. Just run. That way, you can’t make a mistake. It’s simple. But don’t be slow. Some girls run after you. And they have nails. And now I have scars.
Number 4: Act like she’s just another one of your friends, don’t treat her any differently… usually. “People think they can attract girls by being mean. But in actuality, girls like guys who are nice to them. Guys who try to be their friend,” sophomore Eugenia Craig said. Girls want to get to know you before deciding whether they like you. Befriend them first, then slowly show them how awesome you are. Except for when you treat her like you treat your friends. I happen to be part of an amazing friend group. We talk, laugh, hang out. However, it looks like we hate each other because of how often normal conversations
turn into all out brawls. If you want a girl to like you, don’t punch them. It turns out they don’t like that.
Number 5: Smell good… usually. Girls hate body odor. It makes sense. Girls want to be around you and not have to cover their noses. You need to shower, wear deodorant, wear cologne, brush your teeth, and wash your face. All the good stuff. “A man needs to smell good. As the decades have progressed, men have decided to turn to their ‘masculine scent.’ When in reality, it’s just B.O,” sophomore Sidney Nanouski said, an expert on the issue (being a girl). Small tip. Just because it cleans, it doesn’t mean it smells good and masks your natural scent. Windex is not a good deodorant, nor is lemon wet wipes a good substitute for showering. Just stick to the normal stuff, don’t believe everything you read. It said on the back, “good smell, cleans well.” Absolutely fake.
And those are 5 Ways to Get a Girl to Like You. If this works, send credit to me, as it took a lot of trial and error to figure this out for you guys. And if this doesn’t work for you, chances are, you did it wrong.